

Playing Card Sengoku period of Japan famous face (Standard Type)

トランプはキング、クイーン、ジャック(後継者)で構成され、ヨーロッパの封建的な時代背景を元に表されています。 それを日本の封建社会である安土桃山時代に当てはめて、その時代に活躍した大名、武将、文化人、僧侶などの肖像画と城郭を描いた屏風絵を掲載したトランプです。 掲載している画像は歴史的にも美術的に優れた日本画ばかりです。親しみやすい媒体であるトランプと美術的で伝統的な日本画を組み合せ、鑑賞できるトランプカードお楽しみください。

The time is “Sengoku period”. Japan in the 16th century.The Muromachi Shogunate has been in existence for 170 years.

The shogunate lords were immersed in a battle of interests. Central authority had been destroyed. Security in various places was disturbed, and uprisings occurred frequently.And the power of buried talented people expanded in various places.They began to emerge as a new type of feudal lord, “Sengoku Daimyo”, to replace the old powers.Talented Sengoku Daimyo and those around them competed to reform and develop systems, military, technology and culture. And he shaped many prototypes of today’s Japan. It covers a wide range of fields, including legal systems, economics, construction (city plan, castle, roads), and culture (martial arts, the tea ceremony, painting), etc.

A time when countless new heroes who have left legends are born. This deck of cards features artistic Japanese paintings of historical figures (Daimyo, Samurai, Ninja, Priest, etc.) and Castles from this period.

The clan’s family crest, known as “Kamon”, was unique to Japan to symbolize a feudal lord.On this card, the “Kamon” is used instead of standard suits such as ♠♣♦♥.

This Japanese playing card will be a gateway to a deeper Japanese history for you.

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